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MIDI Styles Set 13: Euro-Tek

Feel like dancing? Styles Set #13 features 20 great new Euro-Techno / Pop styles for Band-in-a-Box. (Since the Techno genre is fairly diverse these days, we've concentrated on Euro-Tek styles for this Set. Euro-Tek tends to be more chord and melody related than other Techno styles, where the emphasis is often on repetitive non-chordal rhythms with unusual sounds.)

  • BBE_Tek Euro-Tek [BBE_TEK.STY]

    Repeated 8th note bass pattern Euro-Tek style (tempo=140). Uses 2 bass sounds, Pad Sweep & TR-808 drums. General MIDI instrument patches: p=88, b=39, d=26, g=36, str=96.

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  • Berlyn Euro-Tek [BERLYN.STY]

    Bass pattern is 2 low 16ths followed by 2 high 16ths in this Euro-Tek style which uses Standard drums(tempo=140). General MIDI instrument patches: p=81,b=39,d=1,g=81,str=90.

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  • Cindi_L Euro-Tek [CINDI_L.STY]

    Synth Bass quarter note rhythm against a 16th note Saw Wave background (t=120). Tambourine and more intensity at 'b'. General MIDI instrument patches: p=2, b=39, d=128, g=82, str=49.

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  • Coruna Euro-Tek [CORUNA.STY]

    Bass pattern is 4 16ths followed by 2 8ths at tempo=135. Uses TR-808 drums. General MIDI instrument patches: p=2, b-88, d=26, g=89, str=51.

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  • Culture Euro-Tek [CULTURE.STY]

    The bass pattern is 8th note sequential octaves (tempo=145). Uses TR-808 drums. General MIDI instrument patches: b=40, g=82, d=26, str=53. p=91 at 'b'.

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  • DeeJDadu Euro-Tek [DEEJDADU.STY]

    The 'a' substyle is quiet with an 8th note bass pattern; sequential octaves in the 'b' substyle (tempo=120). General MIDI instrument patches: p=103, b=40, d=1, g=25, str=51.

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  • Elegius Euro-Tek [ELEGIUS.STY]

    The bass rhythm is 8th note octaves (tempo=125). The bass is more spacey in the 'b' substyle (especially on 2 bar patterns). GM patches: p=63,b=38, d=1, g=46, str=49.

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  • FunFact Euro-Tek [FUNFACT.STY]

    The bass pattern is an 8th followed by 2 16ths in this Euro-Tek style at tempo=130. General MIDI instrument patches: p=6, b=40,d=26, g=81, str=52.

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  • HotButer Euro-Tek [HOTBUTER.STY]

    This style features 2 basses; Fretless (8th & 2 16ths) and Synth (quarter notes)at tempo=135. General MIDI instrument patches: p18=, b=36, d=1, g=39. At 'b',str=103.

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  • Instinct Euro-Tek [INSTINCT.STY]

    The bass pattern here is 4 16ths followed by an 8th in this disco Tek dance style (tempo=120). General MIDI instrument patches: p=53, b=39, d=26, g=96, str=19.

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  • LeClik Euro-Tek [LECLIK.STY]

    The bass pattern is 2 low 16ths followed by 2 high 16ths at a tempo of 135. General MIDI instrument patches: p=82, g=40, b=39, d=1. At 'b' add str=Pad Bell(89).

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  • Madona_M Euro-Tek [MADONA_M.STY]

    In this Euro-Tek style, the bass rhythm is, 2-quarters, 2-8ths, 8th rest and 8th at tempo=140. (General MIDI instrument patches: p=6, b=34, d=1, g=28, str=96.

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  • Spice_M Euro-Tek [SPICE_M.STY]

    A slower smooth (tempo=100) Euro-Tek style with a 16ths bass pattern. General MIDI instrument patches: p=2, b=39, g=26, d=1, str=49. Note: Instrument patches can be changed within the Stylemaker.

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  • Spice_W Euro-Tek [SPICE_W.STY]

    The bass rhythm is a dotted 8th, 8th note pattern in this Euro-Tek style (tempo=110). General MIDI instrument patches: b=88, d=26, g=28. At 'b', p=88.

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  • Tek_Arp Euro-Tek [TEK_ARP.STY]

    This Euro-Tek style (tempo=130), features quiet arpeggios thru-out. The bass rhythm is low 8th followed by 2 high 16ths. GM patches: b=39, b=26, g=47, str=96.At 'b', p=2.

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  • Tek_Fast Euro-Tek [TEK_FAST.STY]

    The bass rhythm 8th note octaves in this Euro-Tek style (tempo=160), suitable for faster tempos. Uses TR-808 drums. General MIDI patches: p=82, b=88, d=26, g=104. St=89 at 'b'.

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  • TekRegae Euro-Tek [TEKREGAE.STY]

    A slow funky Euro-Tek Reggae style at tempo=100. Uses TR-808 drums. General MIDI instrument patches: p=2, b=39, d=26, g=107, str=50.

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  • TekWaltz Euro-Tek [TEKWALTZ.STY]

    This is a Euro-Tek style in 3/4 meter. The bass pattern has an 8th note octaves feel at a tempo of 135. General MIDI instrument patches p=2, b=29, g=88, d=26. At 'b', str=103.

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  • TransX Euro-Tek [TRANSX.STY]

    The bass pattern is 8th note octaves in this Euro-Tek style (tempo=135). Hand claps at 'b'. General MIDI instrument patches: p=2, b=39,d=1, g=88, str=100.

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  • You97 Euro-Tek [YOU97.STY]

    This dramatic style features a repeated 16th note bass pattern (tempo=110). General MIDI instrument patches: b=39, d=1, g=95, str=49. At 'b', p=1.

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