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MIDI Styles Set 30: World Fretboards

PG Music answers your wishes with Styles Set 30 - "World Fretboards." This Styles Set covers a wide variety of genres with over 20 styles including New Age, Hawaiian, Pop, Jazz-Pop, and Ethnic. Many of these styles utilize Band-in-a-Box version 12's new intelligent chord fretboard display. You'll now see the correct chord voicings or fretboard display for ukulele, banjo, mandolin and bass.

  • Banjo & Mandolin sw. 16ths [BANJ&MAN.STY]

    Banjo & Mandolin swing 16ths style with swing 16ths feel. 3 instruments: Banjo & Mandolin. Add Acoustic Bass at "b." No drums. Tempo = 130

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  • BeeB Rock 4 Variation [BEEBROK4.STY]

    Medium straight 8ths Country-Rock with backbeat throughout in the style of groups like Eagles, Brooks/D etc. 5 instruments: Piano, Bass, Drums, Acoustic Guitar & Electric Guitar. Tempo = 90-124

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  • BeeB Rock Blues Variation [BEEBROK5.STY]

    This Rock Blues variation of BeeBRock style has less varied guitar rhythm. 5 instruments: Electric Piano, Electric Bass, Electric Guitar, Drums & Strings at "a" & "b." Tempo = 106

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  • BigBand1 -Med. Swing Big Band [BIGBAND1.STY]

    Medium Swing big band sound with 5 instruments: Brass (fills & background), Acoustic Piano (comping & fills), Nylon String Guitar (rhythm), Acoustic Bass (in 2 at "a" & 4 at "b"), Drums (brushes). Tempo = 80-150

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  • Blue Grass 5 swing 16ths [BLUGRAS5.STY]

    Bluegrass style with a Swing 16ths feel. 4 instruments: Banjo, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Acoustic Bass. No Drums. Tempo = 115

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  • Bo _D - 60s funky guitar groove [BO_D.STY]

    Swing 16ths rhythm groove ?a Bo. 4 instruments: Muted Guitar, Strat Guitar, Electric Bass & Drums. Tempo = 100

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  • Campfire - Swing strumming [CAMPFIRE.STY]

    Easy "round the campfire" sing-along style with lots of strumming. 4 instruments: Ukulele, Guitar, Banjo. No Drums. Add simple Acoustic Bass at "b." T = 90-200

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  • Cozy Swing - Jazz Trio w/br. [COZY_SW.STY]

    Simple Jazz trio Swing style. 3 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Acoustic Bass & Drums (brushes). Bass "in 2" at "a" & "in 4" at "b." Tempo = 100-240

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  • Creednce - 70s Funk Ctry Rock [CREEDNCE.STY]

    Loose 16ths feel - in between even and swing. Strat Guitar (single line) & Mid-Tone Guitar (28/2) plays Funk 16ths rhythm. 4 instruments: Strat Guitar-28/2, Electric Bass & Drums. Tempo = 105

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  • DixiDukes - 50s hip Dixieland [DIXIDUKE.STY]

    Dixieland in the style of the Dukes and similar groups. 5 instruments: Banjo, Piano, Tuba, Drums & Trombone. Tempo = 150

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  • Dream - Slow 50s Swing Ballad [DREAM.STY]

    Slow 50s Swing Ballad with rhythm section & strings (higher range at "b"). 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Bass (in 2, then 4), Drums (brushes) & slow Strings. Tempo = 80

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    A Jazz Swing - DRUMS ONLY style. Use this style (with other similar styles) when a drum solo of any length is desired. Use the F5 key to insert a style at any bar. Tempo = 100-300

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  • Gossamer - 2 ac. Guitars only [GOSSAMER.STY]

    Slow, quiet & peaceful style with an even 8ths arpeggio feel. No Drums or Bass - 2 Guitars only: Nylon String Guitar- held chords & Acoustic Guitar - arpeggio. Tempo = 85

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  • Hawaii Slow - Pop Hawaiian [HAWAISLO.STY]

    Slow, easy going semi-even 8ths Pop Hawaiian style with lots of relaxed strumming. 5 instruments: Ukulele, 12 String Guitar, Nylon String Guitar, Acoustic Bass & Drums (brushes). Tempo = 110

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  • Jazz Breezy -Jazz Sw. w/5 insts. [J~BREEZY.STY]

    Jazz Swing with 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano (4 to the bar at "a", comping at "b"), Acoustic Bass & Drums (brushes). At "b" add Slow Strings & Rhythm Guitar. Tempo = 90-250

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  • Jazz Guitar Waltz w/Brushes [J~GITWLZ.STY]

    Variation of J!GITWLZ.STY, this version uses BRUSHES. This fast Swing Jazz-Waltz style uses 5 instruments: Electric Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums (brushes) & Strings at "b." Tempo = 155

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  • Jazz Fours A - Trading 4s Var. [JAZFOURA.STY]

    Similar to JazzFours.sty, this variation changes the "trading" order. At "a" regular Jazz Swing. At "b", 4 bars Drum solo, then 4 bars band. Tempo = 100-300

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  • Jazz Fours B - Trading 4s Var. [JAZFOURB.STY]

    Jazz quartet (Piano, Bass, Drums & Jazz Guitar). Similar to JazzFours.sty, the "trading fours" order is: At "a" AND "b", 4 bars Band then 4 bars Drum solo. Tempo = 100-300

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  • Jazz Fours C - Trading 4s Var. [JAZFOURC.STY]

    Jazz quartet (Piano, Bass, Drums & Jazz Guitar). Similar to JazzFours.sty, the "trading fours" order is: At "a" AND "b", 4 bars Drum solo - 4 bars Band. Tempo = 100-300

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  • JohnBal - slow ev.8ths PopRock [JOHNBAL.STY]

    Slow even 8ths Pop/Rock style featuring Acoustic Piano & Strings. 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Electric Bass, drums (brushes), Synth Strings & Slow Strings. Tempo = 75

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  • JohnnyH - 60s Pop-Country [JOHNNYH.STY]

    60s Pop-Country style ?a JohnnyH. Almost-swing 8th note feel. 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Muted Guitar, Acoustic Bass & Drums. At "b" background vocal. Tempo = 155

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  • Latin Bossa 4 You -Bossa w/br. [L~BOSA4U.STY]

    Simple Bossa style with smooth syncopation. Features Acoustic Bass, Acoustic Guitar, & Drums (brushes). Tempo = 90-180

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  • Lotus - New Age Slow 3/4 style [LOTUS.STY]

    Slow, tranquil, 3/4 time, even 8ths, New Age style. 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Nylon String Guitar, Slow Strings. At "b" add Triangle, Bass & fuller Strings. Tempo = 70

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  • Mandolin & ac. Bass sw. 16ths [MANDOLIN.STY]

    Mandolin & Acoustic Bass in a swing 16ths feel. No keyboards or drums. Tempo = 135

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  • Military - 60s Pop-Country [MILITARY.STY]

    Good for 60s Country historic battle-type tunes. With 2-beat, almost swung 8ths. Military Drum fills with rolls. 5 instruments: Banjo, Muted Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Drums & Acoustic Bass. Tempo = 160

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  • Pop NeilD 1 -70s Sw. Pop Rock [P_NEILD1.STY]

    70s Pop Rock Swing with 4 to-the-bar guitar comping. 5 instruments: Strat Guitar (high comps at "a", lower strums at "b"), Strat Guitar (4 to-the-bar), Bass, Drums & Slow Strings. Tempo = 125

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  • Pop_Sade -90s Cool Pop-Jazz [POP_SADE.STY]

    90s Cool Pop-Jazz even 8ths. 5 instruments: Electric Piano, Bass (39/1), Strat Guitar & Drums. Background Vocal (54/1) at "b."

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  • Rock Trio 1 - 80s-90s Rock trio [ROKTRIO1.STY]

    80s-90s Rock trio with even 8ths feel. 3 instruments: Strat Guitar (plays short 4 to the bar rhythm thru-out), Electric Bass & Drums. Tempo = 125

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  • Solo Ukulele style [SOLO_UKE.STY]

    Simple swing, solo Ukulele - good for lots of tunes. This style uses GM2 Ukulele patch 25/1.

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  • Swing Easy - 4 insts. No Piano [SWING~EZ.STY]

    Swing style with 4 instruments: Acoustic Guitar (rhythm), Bass & Drums (brushes). At "b" add Slow Strings. Ideal for practicing chordal Piano or Guitar. Tempo = 70-200

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  • Ukulele and ac. bass (at 'b') [UKE&BASS.STY]

    Simple swing, Ukulele style. Solo Ukulele at "a", at "b" add Bass. Uses Ukulele patch 25/1. Fretboard displays intelligent Ukulele chords. Tempo = 150

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  • Ukulele Fast - sw. 8ths campfire [UKE_FAST.STY]

    A very simple Swing 8ths style featuring Campfire Ukulele, simple Bass & Drums. 3 instruments: Ukulele (25/1), Acoustic Bass & Drums (brushes). Tempo = 100 - 250

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  • 12 String Guitar & Banjo [12ST&BAN.STY]

    12 String Guitar & Banjo style with a Country swing 16ths feel. 3 instruments: 12 String Guitar & Banjo. At "b", add Acoustic Bass. No drums. Tempo = 125

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