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MIDI Styles Set 86: "Look Ma! More MIDI 9": Pop Oldies

If you enjoy working with MIDI, you’re going to love the 15 Pop Oldies MIDI styles included with Look Ma! More MIDI 9! The More MIDI 9: Pop Oldies set includes a large variety of styles, like R&B, New Orleans, rockabilly, Texas rock, blues, rock 'n’ roll, Gospel, smooth jazz, and even more great Pop sounds!

  • Bouncing MIDI Oldies Swing Pop [BOUNCING]

    This oldies swing pop style has a bouncy and playful quality. MIDI SuperTracks bass and piano are featured. Clean electric guitar, voice oohs, and a standard drum kit join in.

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  • Clifftop MIDI Triplets Clav Funk [CLIFFTOP]

    This triplet funk style combines a MIDI SuperTracks clav with a regular MIDI slap bass for a hard funk sound. Regular MIDI electric guitar and drum kit join in.

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  • Drive-In MIDI 50s 12-8 Pop Bal [DRIVE_IN]

    A 50s pop ballad with a 12/8 feel and two MIDI SuperTracks that play acoustic piano and electric guitar. Finger electric bass, standard drum kit, and a second electric guitar join in.

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  • Endearing Happy MIDI Blues Pop [ENDEARNG]

    A cheerful MIDI blues pop style with MIDI SuperTrack left-hand organ. Finger electric bass, acoustic guitar, standard drum kit, and a brass section are also used.

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  • Heartfelt MIDI 60s Brit Pop Bal [HARTFELT]

    A 60s British pop ballad with all MIDI tracks, including MIDI SuperTracks organ and piano. Electric bass, acoustic guitar, and drums are also used.

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  • Holy Day MIDI Fast Gospel Pop [HOLY_DAY]

    This classic gospel pop style has a fast native tempo and a piano MIDI SuperTrack. Finger electric bass, gospel drums, custom electric guitar, and organ are also used.

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  • King Cake MIDI Orleans Soul Pop [KINGCAKE]

    A New Orleans soul pop style with two MIDI SuperTracks on piano and guitar. Electric bass, a soul drum beat, and clean electric guitar are also used.

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  • Liverpool MIDI Pop Rock Ballad [LIVRPOOL]

    This light Liverpool pop rock ballad has MIDI SuperTracks piano and guitar. Finger electric bass, a standard drum kit with claps, and slow strings are also used.

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  • My Honey MIDI 50s 12-8 Pop Bal [MY_HONEY]

    This 50s pop ballad has a 12/8 feel and uses all MIDI instruments, including MIDI SuperTracks piano and guitar.

    M4A Play
    WMA Play
  • My Story MIDI Sad Blues Ballad [MY_STORY]

    This slow and sad blues ballad uses MIDI exclusively. MIDI SuperTracks piano and organ are featured. Finger electric bass, clean electric guitar, and blues drums join in.

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    WMA Play
  • Old 60s Brit Ctry Rock All-MIDI [OLD_ROCK]

    A 60s British country rock style with all MIDI tracks, including two electric guitar MIDI SuperTracks. Finger electric bass, acoustic piano, and drums join in.

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  • Pompadour MIDI 50s Rock 'n' Roll [POMPADOR]

    This up-tempo rock 'n' roll style uses all MIDI instruments, including a jump blues MIDI SuperTrack. Acoustic bass, standard drums, clean electric guitar, and voice oohs are also used.

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  • Serene MIDI Swing-16 Funk Pop [SERENE]

    A light funk pop style with a swung-sixteenths feel. The all-MIDI band includes bass and strings MIDI SuperTracks. Acoustic piano, jazz drums, and a custom acoustic guitar are also used.

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  • Stakeout MIDI 80s Suspense Pop [STAKEOUT]

    A suspenseful pop style that looks back to the 80s. MIDI SuperTracks new age piano is featured. It's joined by contra bass, drum kit, synthesizer bass, and warm synth pad.

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  • Tuesday MIDI Classic Orleans Pop [TUESDAY]

    A classic and syncopated New Orleans pop style with MIDI SuperTracks piano and guitar. Finger electric bass, clav, and standard drums with percussion are also used.

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