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Hans Van Even, Guitarist

Hans Van Even was born in 1969, began playing guitar at the age of 12 and studied classical and jazz music in Belgium. He played with numerous artists and did demonstrations for brands like Washburn, Roland, Randall & Blackstar Amplification. He also did a few opening acts for artists like Mike Stern, Joe Cocker, Christopher Cross and André Ceccarelli. In 2014 Hans released his first solo CD "Stardust Requiem," an eclectic 77 minutes opus with two of his favorite guitarists, Tony MacAlpine and Brett Garsed, on guest solos. The CD received fantastic feedback from respected musicians, fans and magazines. Hans also co-designed the whole Parallaxe guitar series for Washburn including guitars for Trevor Rabin, Ola Englund and Marzi Montazeri.
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