RealTracks Sets (448 Sets with over 4,700 RealTracks!)
What are RealTracks? RealTracks replace the MIDI track for that instrument, and can be controlled just like the MIDI instrument (volume changes, muting etc.). They follow the chord progression that you have entered, so you hear an authentic audio accompaniment or solo.
RealTracks are not "samples"... They are full recordings, lasting from 1 to 8 bars at a time, playing in perfect sync with the other tracks. Choose from pre-made Band-in-a-Box® Styles, or combine RealTracks instruments to make your own band.
You'll want to use RealTracks in all of your projects... and you can! Adding REAL instruments played by TOP MUSICIANS to your compositions brings an exciting human element ... and that's just the beginning!
Wow! Over 4,700 RealTracks in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition! Over 4,200 hours of studio musicians recordings!
PG Music offers 448 RealTracks Sets, with over 4,700 RealTracks for Jazz, Country, Rock, Pop, Metal, Blues, Bluegrass and more!
We've made it easy to get RealTracks Sets - ALL of the RealTracks Sets are included in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+ and Audiophile Editions of Band-in-a-Box®. New RealTracks Sets 430-448 are included in the PlusPAK.

RealTracks Set 48 : Medium Modern Rock Video Demo
Want to get that slick Modern Rock sound on your own personal recordings? Then look no further than RealTracks Set 48. This set provides three Guitar RealTracks, one acoustic, and two electrics. All three styles were recorded at the same tempo, and were designed to blend together beautifully, though you certainly can use them individually. You're stepping into the producer's chair when you work with RealTracks, so the only limitation is your imagination! The acoustic guitar is a bright, strummed rock part. The two electrics have distinct sounds that complement each other: 'ElecRockArp' is a clean guitar tone that plays arpeggios for the A section, then switches to strummed chords for the B section. 'ElecRockDirty' is a distorted guitar tone that plays muted syncopated chords at 'A', and then plays with a more open sound at 'B'. All three guitars are also equipped with 'RealCharts', which means that even though the styles are audio recordings of real musicians, pieced together by Band-in-a-Box or RealBand based on the chords you enter, the program knows what notes are being played and is able to display them. With these guitars, that means that you can view them in notation, as well as watch the notes go by on the on-screen guitar fretboard. Whether you're producing your own record, or learning to play new guitar styles, RealTracks Set 48 is for you!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (A:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (B:eighths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (A:arp) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (B:heavy) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (A:muted) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (B:sust) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
RealTracks Set 47 : Slow and Fast Pop Video Demo
RealTracks Set 47 gives you what you need to provide that extra little something for your pop masterpiece. Covering the whole even 8ths tempo spectrum, our B3 Organ styles can provide that growling B3 sound whether you've written a slow ballad, or a rockin' fast pop tune. And this is no MIDI synth doing it's best to emulate the sound, this is a REAL B3, played by a REAL musician. Just enter your chords into Band-in-a-Box, and it'll piece together a completely new B3 performance from our audio database, just for you! For the fast tunes, we've also got a background Pop Harmonica style. No matter what chords you throw at it, this harmonica player will follow the changes and provide some great color to your pop tune.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Harmonica, Background Pop Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, Rhythm BackgroundPop Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, Rhythm BackgroundPop Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, Rhythm BackgroundPop Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
RealTracks Set 46 : Medium Pop - Harmonica, Organ, and Bass Video Demo
If your medium-tempo pop tune needs that little something extra, look no further than RealTracks Set 46. This set provides you with some great background organ & harmonica playing, as well as two options for straight-ahead pop electric bass. All of these styles can be used in conjunction with previously released pop RealTracks, such as acoustic or electric guitars, & RealDrums. They can be used with Band-in-a-Box MIDI styles, or they can give your own tracks more depth and sophistication. The harmonica style provides some great pop licks, but as a background style it doesn't get in the way of a singer or the other instruments. The Organ style is a real B3, and will give your pop song that authentic sound. For electric bass, there are two options. The 'PopHalfNotesSync' style plays on the 1, and-of-2, and the 3, which is one of the most common ways to play pop music. The alternate, 'PopHalfNotesPush is the same basic pattern, but doesn't restate the note on beat 3, driving the song with a pushed feel.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tobin Frank ]
- Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tobin Frank ]
- Harmonica, Background Pop Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
- Organ, Rhythm BackgroundPop Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
RealTracks Set 45 : Driving British Rock Video Demo
Modern Rock and Pop owe a lot to the original British Invasion, and even though the sounds are new, they all tip their hats to the Classics. With RealTracks Set 45, you get RealTracks guitar styles that are very modern and current, but have those timeless elements that have been passed on through generations. All of the guitars included in this set feature different takes on the same slow driving groove, and can be used together to create a full, produced sound, or can be used individually to fill in the spaces for your own project. This set includes a strumming acoustic guitar, and two electric guitars, one that is more "driving" and one that is more "soulful". With the stretching features in Band-in-a-Box, these styles cover a wide tempo range, and all three guitars also include "RealCharts" which let you see exactly what notes are being played in notation, on the piano keyboard, or on the on-screen guitar fretboard!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockBritEighths Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (A:arp) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (B:heavy) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (A:chords) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (B:arp) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
RealTracks Set 44 : Blues Guitar and Organ Video Demo
In the old ramshackle roadhouse there's the grittiest smokin' blues band you've ever seen, and stuck in the corner making some beautiful tones is the good old B3 Organ. With RealTracks Set 44, you can have that very sound coming out of your computer! This set includes three different Blues Organ RealTracks styles: "Monday" Swing 8ths at 65bpm, "Roadhouse" Even 8ths at 120bpm, and "BB" Even 8ths at 85bpm. And, with the superior real-time stretching features in Band-in-a-Box, the styles are not limited to those tempos, but can be used over a wide range, so you're sure to find what you need. Also included in this set is a rollicking Slide Guitar Blues RealTracks style. This style also has the added benefit of "RealCharts" which let you see exactly what's being played on the on-screen piano keyboard, or in notation.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 165 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Organ, B3, Background Blues BB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris Nole ]
- Organ, B3, Background Blues Monday Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris Nole ]
- Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris Nole ]
RealTracks Set 43 : Rockin' Down South Video Demo
Get ready for a trip to the deep south, with RealTracks Set 43: Rockin' Down South. This set includes both acoustic and electric rhythm guitar styles, as well as two marvellously raunchy slide guitar styles. To top it all off, we have a rollicking southern organ. The guitars are all equipped with 'RealCharts', which means that not only can they play over any chord changes you'd care to throw their way, but you'll also be able to see exactly what they're playing, either in notation, or on the on-screen guitar fretboard, or the on-screen piano keyboard!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (A:fpick) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (B:Strum) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (A:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (B:steady) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Slide, Background EasySouthern Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Guitar, Slide, Background EasySouthern Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Organ, B3, Background Southern Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ]
RealTracks Set 42 : Boogie 'n Texas Rock Video Demo
RealTracks Set 42 takes you down to the Lone Star State with our 'Texas Boogie' and 'Texas Rock' guitar RealTracks styles. 'Texas Boogie' includes two different guitar styles, intended to be used together if you want a full band effect, or separately if you just need a touch of that Boogie flavor. 'Texas Rock' is the same, with two distinct styles that mesh together beautifully, or can be used individually. Each style has an 'A' and 'B' substyle, which will give your song the dynamic range it needs. In addition, all of these styles are equipped with 'RealCharts' which allow you to see all the notes that are being played, either in notation, the on-screen guitar fretboard, or the on-screen piano keyboard.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tom Britt ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140 (A:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tom Britt ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140 (B:classic) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tom Britt ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140 (A:shuf) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140 (B:qrtrs) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120 (A:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120 (B:8ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120 (A:simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120 (B:heavy) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
RealTracks Set 41 : Rockin' Hard Video Demo
You probably never thought you'd hear some great, hard-rockin' guitar being made by a computer, but with RealTracks Set 41, you'll have all that and more! This set comes with 4 different RealTracks guitar styles, and each of those styles has 2 different substyles, so you're sure to get the perfect combination for your song. "Hard Rock Thrash" and "Hard Rock Thrash Hollow" are two slow hard-rockin' styles that can be used together, or individually. "Pop Rock Brit Edgy" and "Pop Rock Brit Heavy" provide that modern British sound that is the current face of the British Invasion. Just enter the chords to your song, select these styles, and sit back and watch Band-in-a-Box rock!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (A:16ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (B:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (A:8ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (B:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 (A:arp) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 (B:8ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120 (A:8ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120 (B:power) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
RealTracks Set 40 : American Pop-Rock Video Demo
Do you want to hear some of that rootsy contemporary rock that's making itself heard all over the world? How about that gritty American sound? We've got you covered with RealTracks Set 40: American Pop-Rock. There are 4 Electric Guitar styles included in this set, and each style includes two different substyles, so the possible combinations are endless! The two "American" guitar styles are meant to be used together, as are the two "RootsRock" styles, so either way you get that polished, radio-friendly sound that'll make you sound like a professional producer. Each style was recorded by a top session player, and if you're intention is to learn to play like them, these styles also have the "RealCharts" feature, which displays the notes being played in notation, on the on-screen guitar fretboard, and on the on-screen piano keyboard.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 (A:arp) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 (B:power) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (A:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (B:8ths) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100 (A:held) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100 (B:sync) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockTremolo Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
RealTracks Set 39 : Slow Country Video Demo
Have you ever written a ballad that you feel is missing something? Try out RealTracks Set 39 and see how a variation of instruments can spark your creativity. Including Pedal Steel, Fiddle, Banjo, Harmonica and Acoustic Guitar you are sure to find the one brick that is missing from your wall of sound. You also get the added bonus of RealCharts for Pedal Steel, Harmonica and Fiddle which will allow you to view the notation for these instruments. Get it now and start playing!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Background Backporch Ev 098 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Fiddle, Soloist George Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Rascal Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Harmonica, Background Travis Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Pedal Steel, Background 12-8 Crystal Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 38 : Classic Country Video Demo
With RealTracks Set 38 you'll be able to start your own Classic Country band! With the Pedal Steel you get three variations that work at a range of tempos and the Fiddle is always ready to play a solo. You also get the added bonus of RealCharts which will show you the notation for all of the RealTracks in this set. With RealTracks set 38 added to your collection you will be ready to create a Band-in-a-Box or RealBand song that could have been recorded in Nashville!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Fiddle, Background Allis Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Cowboy Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Cowboy Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Easy Ev 136 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Waylon Ev 176 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 37 : Swingin' Country 3 Video Demo
Get ready to swing! RealTracks Set 37 provides some swinging country licks at a variety of tempos. With Mandolin, Harmonica, Pedal Steel and Resonator Guitar, playing at tempos ranging from 130 to 190 beats-per-minute, you're sure to find something for your swinging country tune! And, with the fantastic stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, these styles are even more versatile!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Hank Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Harmonica, Background Hayride Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Harmonica, Background HeeHaw Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Bouncy Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Shuffle Sw 136 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 36 : Swingin' Country 2 Video Demo
RealTracks Set 36 is like taking a country hayride to a swingin' western dance hall. With 5 Swing 8ths RealTracks styles, you'll be wearing out those dancing shoes in no time! This set features a sweet Pedal Steel style, as well as two tempos of Resonator Guitar and Swing 8ths Mandolin, medium-slow 120bpm and Fast 190bpm. Whether you need some gently swinging riffs, or some barn-burning licks, RealTracks Set 36 has what you need.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Hayride Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Roundup Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Chop Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Fast Chop Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Opry Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 35 : Chet and Travis Pickin' Video Demo
What's that sound down the way? That just might be the train a-comin' to carry you away. That's how you'll feel when you explore RealTracks Set 35: Chet and Travis Pickin'! This Set comes with 4 different RealTracks styles in this unique genre, two played with that sweet mellow Nylon Guitar, and two played with the warm tones of the Electric Guitar. There are 4 distinct grooves and tempos, and with the superior stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, the styles can be used at a variety of tempos.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Chet Comp Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
- Guitar, Electric, Chet Comp Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
- Guitar, Electric, Chet Pickin' Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Chet Fishin' Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Thornton ]
RealTracks Set 34 : Country Train Beat Video Demo
The most amazing feature about RealTracks 34 isn't it's solid train rhythm that won't miss a beat. It's how you can use RealCharts to see the notation for all of the instruments. You get RealCharts for Fiddle, Harmonica, and Pedal Steel so you can see exactly what the top studio musicians are playing. These styles work great with many of our other RealTracks Sets, including Bluegrass.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Fiddle, Background Train Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Fiddle, Background Train Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Train Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Train Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Train Ev 130 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Harmonica, Soloist Train Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Harmonica, Soloist Train Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Harmonica, Soloist Train Ev 130 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Train Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Train Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 33 : Bluegrass Video Demo
With the latest offerings in RealTracks Set 33 you will find all you need to play a medium tempo Bluegrass song. This set of RealTracks is full of awesome features like A and B substyles for the Fiddle and Banjo as well as RealCharts for the acoustic guitar soloist. As soon as you select these RealTracks and have them play your latest composition, you will think you're sitting on the blue grass of Kentucky, listening to a real Bluegrass band play your song.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200,Rhythm) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200,Soloist) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm - Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Soloist) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Bass, Acoustic Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Acoustic Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200,Chops) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200,Shuffles) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [8 bars] Guit, Mandolin, Banjo, Fiddle, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
RealTracks Set 32 : Blues Video Demo
Have you ever dreamt that you were blowing a lead over a smokin' hot blues band while a white-hot bass player held down a rock-solid groove that had to be heard to be believed? RealTracks Set 32 has what you need, with a solid even 8ths rhythm section of Electric Guitar, Electric Bass and Resophonic Guitar. In addition, this Set also comes with Harmonica, Tenor Sax and Blues Harmonica Soloists so you can have the whole band right at your fingertips. Come on down to the Delta and visit with the band!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Muddy Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Harmonica, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Sax, Tenor, 2-Beat Rock Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tom Keenlyside ]
- Sax, Tenor, 2-Beat Rock Ev 110 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tom Keenlyside ]
RealTracks Set 31 : Blues - Slow Even 8ths Video Demo
In a smoky after-hours bar in New Orleans you find them - your dream band - and in between bourbons you play some of the best blues you've ever played. At least, that's what it feels like when you jam with RealTracks Set 31! This set features some straight-8ths, slow rockin' grooves on the Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, Harmonica, and even the Resophonic Guitar! Whether you use them all together to have an instant on-call band, or you just use one of them to round out the sound of your band, these styles are sure to please. All styles in this set were recorded at the same tempo, so they blend together perfectly, and with the superior stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, they can cover even more ground than that!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Blues BB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues BB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues BB Ev 085 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues BB Ev 085 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues BB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Crossroads Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Harmonica, Background Blues BB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
RealTracks Set 30 : Blues (Slow Swing) Video Demo
Have you ever dreamt that you were blowing a lead over a smokin' hot blues band while a white-hot bass player held down a rock-solid groove that had to be heard to be believed? This RealTracks Set is what you need, with 6 RealTracks styles that will make you feel like you're knee-deep in Mississippi Delta swamp water. The Electric Guitar, Bass and Resophonic Guitar provide the solid foundation, in a variety of combinations. Then to fill up the band we also have the soloists: Electric Guitar, Harmonica and a sweet Slide Guitar! And, with the "RealCharts" feature in Band-in-a-Box, you can see exactly what these pros are playing!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Blues Monday Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Monday Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Delta Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Monday Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Harmonica, Background Blues Monday Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
RealTracks Set 29 : Freddie and Wes Video Demo
The drummer has been holding a steady groove with the bass player all night; the joint is jumping, the dance floor is full and the piano player has more sparkle in his solos than a diamond mine. But something is missing... If you're looking for the "four-on-the-floor" beat that'll keep the dance floor full all night or the sweet intoxication of a tasteful groove, RealTracks Set 29 is the answer; this cat has six strings, nine lives, ten fingers and some of the sweetest comping this side of bebop!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
RealTracks Set 28 : Jazz Waltz Video Demo
Would a list of your favorite things include skating in Central Park on a cool winter day? How about jamming with a swingin' piano or guitar trio on a summertime evening until the sun rises? Have you ever heard an acoustic bass with the kind of tone that made you want to tenderly waltz the night away under a star-filled sky? Whatever a waltz lacks in beats-to-the-bar, RealTracks Set 28 makes up for with a rhythm sweeter than a summer breeze. This Set redefines what it means to swing in 3/4 time with this collection of Acoustic Bass, Piano, and Electric Guitar RealTracks!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 27 : Dreamy Pop Guitar Video Demo
Evoking a mood just like the moment between consciousness and dreams, RealTracks Set 27 is another great set of guitar playing for all users. With these simple, tasteful, and dreamy guitar licks, you can add a new level of atmosphere to your song. These RealTracks styles were recorded at tempos of 85, 120, 165 & 190 beats-per-minute, and with the superior stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, all of the tempos in between are covered too! Whether you're composing a fast pop masterpiece or a mellow country ballad, these styles are for you!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
RealTracks Set 26 : Pop Swing 8ths Bass 2 Video Demo
With RealTracks Set 26 you can add the solid foundation of Swing 8ths Bass to your Band-in-a-Box or RealBand song. With a wide range of tempos and electric and acoustic basses to choose from, you can always rely on this RealTracks set to keep perfect timing. And, with the superior stretching features in Band-in-a-Box, all of the in-between tempos are covered.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
RealTracks Set 25 : Pop Swing 8ths Bass 1 Video Demo
Have you ever needed a Swinging Pop Bass player to add a delicate touch to your pop ballad? Do you feel like the MIDI Bass sticks to the 8ths but lacks a human feel? Turn to RealTracks Set 25! With the ability to use these RealTracks with so many styles of music, it's almost impossible to say which genre they belong to. Turn to RealTracks Set 25 whenever you need a bass player to stick to the basics and back you up!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, 12-8 Crystal Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ]
RealTracks Set 24 : Pop Swing 8ths Guitar Video Demo
Want to add a Swinging 8ths Pop Guitar sound to your latest composition? RealTracks Set 24 has the guitars you've been looking for! Fill in a rhythm section with this dynamic set of acoustic strumming and fingerpicking guitar styles. With a wide range of available tempos and the ability to stretch the tempo, RealTracks Set 24 completes your swing 8ths pop or country song with an understated touch!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
RealTracks Set 23 : Pop Acoustic Guitar Video Demo
RealTracks Set 23 includes a solid rhythm section of acoustic guitars playing an even style, whether it be strumming or fingerpicking. These RealTracks can be used for more than just Pop; try adding these RealTracks to other styles of music and you will be amazed how they blend together! With a wide range of tempos and a variety of chords you can enter, we're sure this RealTracks Set will compliment your past, present and future musical projects.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
RealTracks Set 22 : Funk and Pop Bass Video Demo
If you feel your songs need more Funk, or that the bass isn't Pop enough for you, then you need RealTracks Set 22: Funk & Pop Bass. With a live musician playing, you can hear the subtle techniques that can't be reproduced by a machine! RealTracks Set 22 has a variety of funk styles, including Funk Finger Bass, Funk Slap Bass, and Pop Bass which suits a wide range of musical styles. Using all electric basses, this set adds another color to your PG Music palate!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Funk James Finger Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Funk James FingerSlap Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Funk James Slap Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Keith Horne ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Pop Syncopated Ev 136 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
RealTracks Set 21 : Clean Strat Rock Video Demo
Add a clean, even, classic rock guitar sound to all your songs, old and new, with RealTracks Set 21: Clean Strat Rock. Use the Rhythm Guitar with your Verses while letting the Soloist fly during a Chorus; it will sound like you have a professional studio musician over to lay down some tracks - and you do! The Rhythm Guitars cover a wide range of tempos while the Soloist is best suited for an up tempo song. Any way you use them, these RealTracks will add a new dynamic to your compositions.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Dire Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Dire Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
RealTracks Set 20 : Dual Rock Guitars Video Demo
Are you ready for some classic rock guitar tones? You've come to the right place with RealTracks Set 20: Dual Rock Guitars. This set features two tempos of Rock 'n Roll guitar, and with each tempo there are two guitar styles, intended to be played together for a full band sound. The two guitar parts were recorded by two different top studio musicians, each playing off of the riffs of the other. At 120bpm, the guitarists play in a laid-back manner, while at 140, the parts are full of the energy that an up-tempo tune requires. Each part also has different playing for "A" section and "B" section, so if your song needs an added boost, just put a "B" part marker into your song, and Band-in-a-Box or RealBand does the rest!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ]
RealTracks Set 19 : Jazz Ballad Video Demo
Lay down the most expressive solo for your jazz ballad with RealTracks Set 19: Jazz Ballad - Soloist. This RealTracks Set comes equipped with Alto Sax, Trombone and Trumpet soloing in every key for your jazz ballad. And, the great thing is every time you press play, you get a brand new solo! Your jazz ballad composition deserves these killer lines!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Silence, Trumpet, Silence, Trombone, Silence, Guit, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Guit, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Chorus] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Guit, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Part Marker] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Guit, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Sax, Alto, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Trombone, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trumpet, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Don Clark ]
RealTracks Set 18 : Jazz Ballad Video Demo
Imagine yourself singing in a jazz bar, as the band plays your latest masterpiece. That is the mood evoked when listening to RealTracks Set 18: Jazz Ballad - Rhythm section. This set includes rhythm tracks for Piano, Acoustic Bass and Electric Guitar. You can really focus on your melody while the bass, piano and guitar provide solid rhythm and harmony all around you.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (Very Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 17 : Bossa Video Demo
With RealTracks Set 17: Bossa - Soloists, you'll have all the tools available to generate a killer bossa solo with the most authentic sounds available. This set includes hours of Trumpet, Trombone, Alto Sax, and even Acoustic Bass soloing. These styles can be used with incredible ease in Band-in-a-Box along with existing styles, or use them in RealBand if you're looking to add them to your own multi-track creation!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Flute, Trombone, Guit, Trumpet, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Silence, Flute, Silence, Trombone, Silence, Guit, Silence, Trumpet, Silence, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Chorus] Sax, Flute, Trombone, Guit, Trumpet, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Part Marker] Sax, Flute, Trombone, Guit, Trumpet, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Sax, Alto, Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Sax, Alto, Bossa Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Trombone, Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trombone, Bossa Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trombone, Bossa Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brad Turner ]
- Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brad Turner ]
RealTracks Set 16 : Bossa Video Demo
Have your dream Bossa band right at your fingertips! With RealTracks Set 16: Bossa - Rhythm Section, you'll have everything you need to make the most authentic sounding Latin-Jazz songs around. This balanced set includes Piano, Acoustic Bass and Electric Guitar RealTracks for use in all keys! With the stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, these styles can be used on a wide range of tempos, making them even more useful. This Latin band sounds real because it IS real!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 15 : Mainstream Swing Video Demo
Nothing says 'sophistication' like an alto sax intricately weaving its way through a set of complex jazz lines. That's now a mouse click away with RealTracks Set 15: Mainstream Swing - Jazz Soloists. Along with the Alto Sax RealTracks, you receive Trumpet and Trombone, as well as bass soloing and piano soloing, complete with left-hand comping! In addition, this set also comes with bonus material to augment our previously release Tenor Sax soloist set. This set, combined with RealTracks Set 14: Mainstream Swing - Jazz Rhythm Section, has everything you need for a complete Real Jazz Band!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Silence, Trumpet, Silence, Trombone, Silence, Sax, Silence, Vibes, Silence, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [4 bars] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Sax, Guitar, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Chorus] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Sax, Guitar, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Medley [Part Marker] Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Sax, Guitar, Vibes, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Sax, Alto, Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Sax, Alto, Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Extended) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Trombone, Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trombone, Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trumpet, Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brad Turner ]
- Trumpet, Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brad Turner ]
RealTracks Set 14 : Mainstream Swing Video Demo
Imagine having a world-class jazz rhythm section backing you up! Now you can with RealTracks Set 14: Mainstream Swing - Jazz Rhythm Section. This RealTracks set features cool jazz playing at 140bpm. The stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand make these RealTracks even more versatile. You have a choice of either acoustic piano or jazz electric guitar as your comping instrument, and to round out the bottom end there is an acoustic bass style. Each of these RealTracks has an A section and a B section, so you can add variety to your song simply by entering different part markers in Band-in-a-Box or RealBand. For example, if you want the bass playing in "2," simply change the part marker to "a." If you want the bass playing a walking line, simply put in a "b" part marker.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Quarter Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Quarter,Quarter Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 (Very Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 13 : Older Jazz Swing Soloists Video Demo
Immerse yourself in the sweet sounds of Classic Jazz with RealTracks Set 13: "Older" Jazz Swing. This collection of Band-in-a-Box RealTracks Soloists includes the essential instruments of Jazz Soloing: Alto Sax, Trumpet and Trombone. These were recorded by top studio musicians, so you know you're getting the real deal! All styles were played at 140bpm, and with the stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, they can be used at a wide tempo range effectively (120bpm-180bpm). You can use them in Band-in-a-Box with hundreds of Jazz styles, or in RealBand on your own multitrack swing 8ths tune.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Medley [8 bars] Sax, Trombone, Trumpet, Clarinet, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P. J. Perry ]
- Trombone, Older Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trombone, Older Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ]
- Trumpet, Older Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Don Clark ]
- Trumpet, Older Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Don Clark ]
RealTracks Set 12 : All Bluegrass (Solos) Video Demo
If you find that your Bluegrass compositions are missing something try filling them out with a rip-roaring Bluegrass solo. RealTracks Set 12 delivers Banjo, Fiddle, Guitar, and Mandolin solos. Spice up any Bluegrass song with a foot-stompin' Banjo solo, or you can really get things going by adding multiple solo instruments. With the ability to solo in any key, at a wide range of tempo's, Band-in-a-Box with you at the controls will soon become the life of the hoe-down!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260,Solo) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Soloist) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Mandolin, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Mandolin, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Medley [8 bars] Guit, Mandolin, Banjo, Fiddle, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
RealTracks Set 11 : All Bluegrass (Rhythm) Video Demo
Have you ever wanted to be the leader of your own Bluegrass band? Tired of sitting in the wings doing back-up vocals? With RealTracks Set 11 YOU can step out in front of your very own Bluegrass band, and take charge. Mandolins, fiddles, guitars and banjos abound held to a steady beat by a fat bluegrass bass. Need a backing track? No problem, THIS band is ready to burn the barn down!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260,Rhythm) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Rhythm) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260,Chops) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260,Shuffles) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
RealTracks Set 10 : All Blues (Shuffle) Video Demo
Whether you're a vocalist or an instrumentalist, if you want to play the blues, the most important thing you need is a smokin' blues band backing you up. With RealTracks Set 10 you can have it all! Just press play and you have a Real drummer, a Real rhythm guitar player, a Real bassist, a Real B3 player and even a Real harmonica player all backing you up on a groovin' Blues Shuffle. And when you're ready for Band-in-a-Box to take over with some killer soloing, this set also comes with an electric guitar soloist and harmonica soloist. You can use this Blues Shuffle in any key, over a wide tempo range (120 - 160bpm), so it'll play what YOU want it to play.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Sw 120 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ]
- Harmonica, Background Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Harmonica, Soloist Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Harmonica, Soloist Blues Sw 120 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: TJ Klay ]
- Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris Nole ]
RealTracks Set 9 : Country Electric Guitar Video Demo
It's time for some Chicken Pickin'! With RealTracks Set 9, you get some great country guitar grooves and solos played by top Nashville session musicians... Included are two rhythm guitar parts; "Cowboy" which is a true classic country groove, and "Train," which is a fast train-beat groove. You also get a soloist for each of these grooves, which can generate a smokin' guitar solo over any chord changes you enter!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Cowboy Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Train Pickin' Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Train Pickin' Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Cowboy Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Cowboy Ev 165 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130 (8ths@260) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
RealTracks Set 8 : Country Folk Video Demo
This collection of Country-Folk RealTracks has something for everyone. Whether you're a Resonator Guitar fan, fiddle, or just need a basic acoustic guitar strumming pattern for your song, RealTracks Set 8 is the place to look. With the fantastic stretching capabilities of Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, you'll easily be able to mix and match the Resonator Guitar with any of the rhythm guitar parts, or play the Real Fiddle with many of your existing Band-in-a-Box and RealBand songs.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Fiddle, Background George Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, HeldChords Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 136 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Allis Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
RealTracks Set 7 : Acoustic Jazz Bass and Rock Sax! Video Demo
Are you ready for some Real Jazz? Well, you've come to the right place with RealTracks Set 7. With Real Double Bass, you get a real bass player playing the changes to your Jazz masterpiece. And, not only that, you can choose between the straight-ahead, fluid approach of our "Paul" bass style, or the aggressive approach of our "Ray" style. Also in this set is the "Motown Rock" sax soloist. Hear a hot Real Sax player nailing the changes to your Rock or Even 8 Jazz tune!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Paul Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jodi Proznick ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ray Sw 160 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jodi Proznick ]
- Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Motown Rock Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Motown Rock Ev 120 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
RealTracks Set 6 : All Metal! Video Demo
We've got everything you need for the full metal band! With RealTracks Set 6, you get three different tempos of killer metal rhythm guitar parts and totally tight bass parts. Our superior stretching methods cover the entire range of tempo possibilities. If you use RealDrums such as "RockHardEven8" (RealDrums Set 4), you can leave MIDI behind and have an all-real Metal band playing your song!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Wild Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Wild Ev 120 (SemiWild) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
RealTracks Set 5 : Rockin' Guitar Video Demo
Are you in the mood for some down-n-dirty rock-n-roll? We've got what you need with RealTracks Set 5. This set has smokin' rock & country-rock rhythm guitar grooves, as well as slide guitar soloists! Also included is a Real Bass style that blends beautifully with the R&B guitar.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Blues Chuck Sw 102 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Chuck Sw 102 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Rock Southern Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Slide, Background Blues Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 120 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 4 : Modern Country Video Demo
These days there are fine lines between Rock, Pop, Folk and Country, and the styles in RealTracks Set 4 weave back and forth across those lines with grace! The Double-time groove includes three instruments that blend together beautifully: Real Resonator Guitar, Real Acoustic Guitar & Real Bass. Also included is a modern syncopated groove that includes both acoustic & electric guitars.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Country DoubleTime Ev 088 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Bass, Electric, Country DoubleTime Ev 088 (8ths@176) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming DoubleTime Ev 088 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming DoubleTime Ev 088 (8ths@176) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar Ev 102 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Syncopated Sugar Ev 102 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ]
RealTracks Set 3 : Swingin' Country Video Demo
Looking for the sweet Country-Swing sound? Go no further than RealTracks Set 3 - Swingin' Country. This set includes 2 swing Real Pedal Steel styles that you won't believe. Also included is a collection of Real Acoustic Guitar styles that blend oh-so-nicely with those Steel parts. There are 5 swing 8ths acoustic guitar RealTracks, including both strumming and finger picking.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tony King ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Hank Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Hank Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 2 : Country Ballad Video Demo
How would you like top Nashville players to record on your Country Ballad masterpiece? Now you can with a click of a button! RealTracks Set 2 has so much to choose from, and the different RealTracks styles are great for mixing and matching. We've got acoustic guitar, strumming and finger picking, a beautiful "spacey" electric guitar with delay effects, as well as a sweet pedal steel part. There's even a Real Bass to round out that bottom end. You just enter the chords, press play, and this stellar band will follow you through thick or thin.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background Dreamy Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
RealTracks Set 1
These RealTracks come with every package of Band-in-a-Box.
RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tony King ]
- Pedal Steel, Background Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ]
- Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
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