MIDI SuperTracks Sets for Band-in-a-Box®
What are MIDI SuperTracks?
Instead of MIDI styles based on C7 chord patterns that get repeated over every chord, the MIDI SuperTracks are based on actual playing by studio musicians. When you play the SuperTracks with your favorite MIDI synth or VST plug-ins, you'll hear great sounds using MIDI. MIDI SuperTracks are an excellent option for those looking for the editing and control capabilities of regular MIDI tracks, but with the added bonus of incredibly good MIDI sounds!
For the demos below, the instrument sound you are hearing is a MIDI SuperTracks style, which is a performance by a top session musician, but recorded in MIDI so that you have total control over the sound as well as the individual notes. You can choose any VST synth (or other MIDI synth) you like for the sounds. For most of the newer sets/demos, we use HiQ instruments played through Sforzando (included with Band-in-a-Box®).
MIDI SuperTracks Set 43: Rock & Pop Keys (11 MST's)
This Rock & Pop Keys set features masterful keyboard performances by Miles Black, Kevin McKendree, and Charles Treadway. This diverse selection of styles includes funk, R&B, and highlights the distinctive jazz-pop style that originated in LA. Some of these styles were recorded with organ in mind, some with electric piano, clav, or acoustic piano, but because they are midi, you can set them to whatever sound you like! Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Included in the Band-in-a-Box® 2024 Free Bonus PAK. Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm LAPopJazzShuffle Sw 130 Listen
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095 Listen
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095 Listen
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm FunkSlowGroove ev16 070 Listen
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkSlowGroove ev16 070 Listen
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm LAJazzPop8ths Ev 124 Listen
MIDI SuperTracks Set 42 - Soul & New Orleans Keys (11 MST's)
The immensely talented Charles Treadway and Kevin McKendree skillfully showcase their abilities on organ and electric piano in the Soul & New Orleans Keys set. This collection of styles includes funky pop, gospel, blues, rhumba, and more. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Included in the Band-in-a-Box® 2024 49-PAK. Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansSwampSw16 sw16 090 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansGumboSlow ev 090 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansRumba ev 140 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansGoodTimeSwing sw 150 Listen
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulFunk ev 100 Listen
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulSwing sw 120 Listen
MIDI SuperTracks Set 41 - Jazz Comping & Soloing Piano (18 MST's)
In this Jazz Comping & Soloing Piano collection, Miles Black showcases his remarkable piano skills. Explore a range of styles, including Latin jazz, jazz waltz, funk fusion, bebop, soul-jazz, and more. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Included in the Band-in-a-Box® 2024 49-PAK. Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.
- Piano, Soloist JazzBebopRH Sw 260 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm JazzBebopLHComp Sw 260Listen
- Piano, Soloist JazzWaltzSlowRH Sw 085 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowLHComp Sw 085 Listen
- Piano, Soloist JazzWaltzRH Sw 140 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltzLHComp Sw 140 Listen
- Piano, Soloist JazzBalladRH Sw 060 Listen
- Piano, Rhythm JazzBalladLHComp Sw 060 Listen
- Piano, Soloist JazzFastRH Sw 190 Listen
MIDI SuperTracks Set 40 - More SynthMaster
This is another SuperTracks Set specifically designed to utilize the award-winning SynthMaster® Player Synth by KV331 Audio that is included with Band-in-a-Box® 2024. This collection provides a selection of synth pad, bass synth, and arpeggiators, great for use with modern pop, hip-hop, house, groove, K-pop, reggaeton, and synthwave styles! Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Included in the Band-in-a-Box® 2024 Free Bonus PAK. Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.
- Bass, Synth SynthmasterPushSoftFM Ev 120 Listen
- Bass, Synth SynthMasterBassBros PushSimple^ Listen
- Synth, Pad, SynthmasterSupernaturalAppearance Listen
- Bass, Pulsing, SynthmasterCinema Ev16 Listen
- Synth, SynthmasterLowDomeSingleRoots Listen
- Synth, Pad, SynthmasterOpenBrass Listen
- Synth, Pad, SynthmasterGatedSoftPad Listen
MIDI SuperTracks Set 39: SynthMaster
This SuperTracks Set is specifically designed to utilize the award-winning SynthMaster® Player Synth by KV331 Audio that is included with Band-in-a-Box® 2023. This collection provides a selection of synth pad, bass synth, and arpeggiators in a variety of styles, like fast rhythm funk, trance, dance and more. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 38: Funk & Blues Electric Piano and Organ
Charles Treadway and Kevin McKendree show off their organ and piano skills in this Funk & Blues Electric Piano and Organ set. This set ranges from classic funk, busier and high energy playing, all the way to a slower and smoother blues funk, and features both rhythm instruments and soloists. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box 2023 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 37: Contradance Piano
This Contradance set showcases old-timey rhythm piano in both even and swing feels played by Daniel Lapp. The set has an overall jaunty and playful vibe to it that would be well suited towards folk and jig dance songs. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 36: Funk & Jazz Piano
This Funk & Jazz MIDI SuperTracks Set features the likes of Kevin McKendree and Miles Black. You'll find a mix of faster paced bouncy and lively piano playing, as well as paired back, mellow, and soothing rhythms and soloists in a variety of genres such as bossa, boogie, Latin jazz, and more. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 35: All Guitar
By popular request, we've added guitar MIDI SuperTracks for the first time ever! These tracks are very useful, and all of them work very well with acoustic, nylon, or electric guitar patches. And, using them in conjunction with plugins such as amp simulators, distortion, chorus, tremolo and more can bring these tracks to life! It includes fingerpicking, "sweep" held chords, power chords and more!We've made Band-in-a-Box® styles that pair these MIDI SuperTracks with RealTracks and RealDrums, and we've also made ALL-MIDI styles that use these as well! Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 34: Blues Piano and Organ
This collection provides an eclectic collection of blues keyboard MIDI SuperTracks, including 5 organ styles and 4 piano styles. The organ tracks are all straight-ahead blues with options for soloing as well as left-hand chording, and these left-hand/right-hand tracks are meant to work together to get a full sound over the full range of the instrument. And On the piano we have New Orleans infused soul piano, plus even more blues with jump blues as well as the Latin flavor in the rumba blues style. This set also includes Band-in-a-Box® styles that use the MIDI SuperTracks in the context of a full band, by pairing them with RealTracks and RealDrums, but also by pairing them with other MIDI tracks for new ALL-MIDI styles! Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Note: Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 33 - More Bass
This collection of 9 bass SuperTracks never misses a beat, covering an extremely broad range of styles, such as Latin, Gospel, Funk, Nashville shuffle, and Reggae. The extremely tight syncopation on synth bass SuperTrack's "FunkJeff" and "SmoothJazzCoolJeff" are irresistibly groovy, while "Raggae16th" and "DancehallClassic" lays back with an effortless sound. For something different, "PartidoAlto" gives you the fantastic Latin feel your bass repertoire may currently lack.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2021 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Bass, GospelShoutAB Ev16 150 [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Synth, PopFunkJeff Ev 080 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Synth, SmoothJazzCoolJeff Sw16 075 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Synth, FunkJeff Ev 110 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, PartidoAltoAB Ev16 100 [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Reggae16thsAB Ev16 065 [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, DancehallClassicAB Ev16 090 [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, NashvilleRadioCoolAB Sw16 090 [ Artist: Jimmy Carter ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, NashvilleRadioShuffleAB Sw 110 [ Artist: Jimmy Carter ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 32 - Jazz, Funk, and Gospel Keyboards
This collection of MIDI SuperTracks provides a tasteful array of keyboard playing, ranging from the flavour of New Orleans styles, to the crunchy voicings of modern jazz piano, to the more open and consonant sounds of New Age and Gospel style piano playing. The range of these piano styles, coupled with the versatility and utility of SuperTracks, makes this set a must have for the keyboard enthusiast.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2021 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm GospelShoutMike Ev16 150 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeArp16 Ev16 090 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeHalfNoteChords Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeFastWaltzArpSync Ev 150 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeSlowBluesy Sw 060 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeDriving8ths Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernJazzWaltzJeff Ev 110 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernJazzJeff Ev 110 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansFunky Ev16 095 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansGospel128 Sw 065 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 31 - All Bass
Our Pop Bass MIDI Supertracks set last year was so popular we added more basses to the MIDI Supertracks library! The set features new Americana & pop country basses, along with new funk styles and a cool fast ska style. And, there are also Band-in-a-Box styles and demos to go along with these MIDI Supertracks, and you can pick whatever bass patch you like, acoustic, electric, or even synth bass sounds!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2020 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Bass, Americana16thsSteve Ev16 075 [ Artist: Steve Mackey ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, NashvilleRadioBallad Ev16 075 [ Artist: Jimmy Carter ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, SkaPunkPopAB Ev 180 [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, FusionFastAlex Ev 150 [ Artist: Alex Al ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080 [ Artist: Alex Al ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, RootsyFunkAlex Ev16 110 [ Artist: Alex Al ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 30 - Jazz, Funk, and Gospel Keyboards
MIDI SuperTracks Set 30 adds 9 new keyboard MIDI SuperTracks to our collection. The set focuses on Jazz, Funk & Gospel, and includes both rhythm "comping" styles as well as soloists. Included are styles that were specifically designed for use with jazz blues and "rhythm changes" progressions, with both comping and soloist options for those. There is a "cool swing16" gospel piano style, with great bluesy gospel licks. There are rhythm funk styles, playing a variety of funk grooves and tempos, as well as a soloist that was intended to be used with an analogue synth sound. But of course, as with all of these MIDI Supertracks, you can pick whatever instrument patch you like, since it's all MIDI!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2020 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm FusionFastJeff Ev 150 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm LoungeFunkJeff Ev16 080 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm FunkJeff Ev16 110 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, Soloist FunkJeff Ev16 110 [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm GospelCool Sw16 075 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist RhythmChangesMiles Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist JazzBluesMiles Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompMiles Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzBluesCompMiles Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 29 - More Organ, Piano, & Accordion
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2019 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm FolkyWaltzMike Ev 150[ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm EuropeanFolkWaltzCory Sw 140 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm SwedishSchottisCory Ev 100 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm AmericanaSlow128Mike Sw 040 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsMike Ev16 060 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow128Mike Sw 040 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsMike Ev16 060 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 28 - Pop Basses
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2019 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Bass, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 085 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Pop8thsSteady Ev 085 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Pop8thsSteady Ev 120 [ Artist: Byron House ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 27 - Celtic Piano
This set features 8 amazing Celtic piano styles from amazing Scottish pianist Dave Milligan. The styles feature grooves like "Jig", "Reel", "Slipjig", "Hornpipe" and more! There are many existing RealTracks that work very well with the new piano styles, and the set also includes RealStyles that pair up these new tracks with our previous guitar, bass & bodhran RealTracks. Originally recorded with acoustic piano patches, they can also be used with any patch on any synth. So you can feel free to try these trad styles out with, for example electric pianos or synth patches! And, as MIDI you have complete editing control!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2018 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm CelticAirDave Ev 085 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticHornpipeDave Sw16 070 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticJigDave Sw 110 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelDave Ev16 140 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticReelDave Ev16 110 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticSlideFastJigDave Sw 140 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticSlipJig98Dave Sw 110 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticSlowWaltzDave Ev 100 [ Artist: Dave Milligan ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 26 - Country and Folk Piano
MIDI SuperTracks Set 26 features 9 great piano styles playing various folk and country grooves. 6 of these are geared towards acoustic piano, and 3 are geared toward electric piano, but of course because these are MIDI styles you can pick any patch you like for any of them, and use any synth, whether it's a hardward synth or software. And also being MIDI, these parts are fully editable, giving you complete control over the final sound. In addition to Country and Folk styles, we all have 2 utility "held" styles, which play simple chords with lower voicings geared towards acoustic piano, and higher voicings geared toward electric piano.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2018 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Held [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Held [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm BluesyPopMike Ev 100 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm RockabillyMike Sw 190 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryFolk8thsMike Ev 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryFolkSlowSwingMike Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm FolkBluesSlowShuffleMike Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm FolkSlowSw16Mike Sw16 060 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Folky68Mike Sw 050 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 25 - Killer Accordion
This set features a whopping 15 new Accordion MIDI Supertracks styles! There are great world styles, including a variety of Klezmer grooves, Italian, Spanish and Swedish styles! There are several polka styles, including the Klezmer 3-3-2 groove, a syncopated rhythm that's the hallmark of that genre. The artist on all of these styles is World Championship Accordionist Cory Pesaturo, and even though it's MIDI, it's comprised of actual performances by this amazing artist. Because it's MIDI, you have complete control over the specific patch you use, so in addition to accordion patches & synths, you could, for example, play these styles with an organ patch. And, the MIDI is of course fully editable.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2018 or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Accordion, Rhythm EuropeanFastWaltzCory Sw 180 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm GypsyWaltz Sw 200 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm ItalianTarantellaCory Sw 130 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm Klezmer44Cory Ev 130 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerGypsyCory Sw 190 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerHora34Cory Ev 120 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerPolka332Cory Ev 140 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerPolkaABCory Ev 140 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerPolkaCory Ev 140 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerPopWaltz Ev 110 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm PolkaTradCory Ev 140 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm PopRockCory Ev 085 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm PopRockCory Ev 120 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm SpanishTango Ev 120 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm SwedishSnoaCory Ev 110 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Rhythm ValseMusette34 Ev 165 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 24 - Mike Rojas Blues, Piano and Organ
MIDI SuperTracks Set 24 features exclusive tracks played by session pianist Mike Rojas! This set comes with nine tracks in various playing styles with a diverse range of Blues, Country and Funk. Most are played with traditional swing rhythms. Mike also plays a range of different tempos between slow ballads to toe tapping swings! Set 24 includes five tracks for Piano and four for Organ, but you can load in your favorite VST to explore different possibilities!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm FunkySwingBluesMike Sw16 075 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 23 - Jazz and Funk Piano, Organ and Accordion
Get your groove on with these fresh Jazz and Funk influenced MIDI SuperTracks included in set 23! You will discover twelve fantastic MIDI SuperTracks played by professional musicians Mike Rojas, John Jarvis, and Cory Pesaturo! Together they bring styles ranging from Tango, Funk, Gypsy Jazz, Smooth-Soul and More! Most of MIDI MIDI SuperTracks are played with an even feel so they will work well with any other pop/rock/jazz songs you might have. Add this amazing bundle of MIDI SupeTracks to your collection.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Accordion, Rhythm GypsyJazzCompCory [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Accordion, Soloist GypsySwingCory Sw 220 [ Artist: Cory Pesaturo ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100 [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, Rhythm FunkSwing16 Sw16 085 [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkSwing16 Sw16 085 [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm GypsyJazzJohn Sw 190 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzClassicJohn Sw 110 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SmoothSoulFast16thsMike Ev16 110 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SmoothSoulSlowMike Ev 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SoulfulPop16thsMike Ev16 065 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SoulJazzMike Ev 130 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm TangoMiles Ev 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 22 - Country and Folk Piano
MIDI SuperTracks set 22 offers exciting Country and Folk Piano! These 6 MIDI SuperTracks are packed with new variations in Country and Folk styles! This set includes contemporary swing and even styles. The tempo ranges from slow swing ballads to fast and upbeat. All of the country styles are played by the talented John Jarvis! Load up your favorite VST and experiment to come up with great ideas! Add MIDI SuperTrack Set 22 to your collection!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm CountryBentNoteBalladJohn Ev 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 110 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 165 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryPopMike12-key Ev 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm FolkySwingMiles Sw 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 21 - Mike Rojas Pop and Soul Piano
MIDI SuperTrack Set 21 is packed with exceptional piano riffs played by none other than the incredible Mike Rojas! In this set you will find six MIDI SuperTracks that range from slow ballad to more upbeat. The feel extends from even standards to swinging 16ths! The first three MIDI SuperTracks are influenced by Gospel that includes Soul, Slow Ballad and Contemporary. Lastly there is a 70's Brit-Pop rhythm. All of these superior MIDI SuperTracks are available in set 21!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm 70sBritPopMike Ev 110 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm GospelSlowBalladMike Ev 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsMike Ev 110 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm GospelSwingMike Sw 140 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernPop16thsMike Ev16 075 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Mike Sw16 085 [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 20 - String Quartet
With MIDI SuperTracks Set 20 you get three different MIDI String Quartet Styles. A String Quartet is made up of 3 instruments playing four parts, a Cello, a Viola, a High Violin and a Low Violin. In these MIDI SuperTracks each instrument part is notated on the screen and, depending on the MIDI driver being used, can recreate each instrument with a MIDI patch. When these MIDI SuperTracks are selected in Band-in-a-Box® the Hi-Q Strings Ensemble, Chamber is loaded in SampleTank for playback. The first String Quartet plays a Pop ballad even style. This ballad String Quartet has long low notes that are held while the higher instruments play slow melodic passages. Using the MIDI Hi-Q sounds this MIDI SuperTrack has the control you get from MIDI with the playing of a professional studio musician. The next MIDI SuperTrack is the Pop Swing String Quartet played at a medium tempo. Use this MIDI SuperTrack with a stripped down composition using a few instruments or if you want to add a strings section to a completed song. The final MIDI SuperTrack in this set is the Pop Even String Quartet playing at a medium tempo. This String Quartet plays long notes in both registers with melodic phrases played High and Low in counter points. Not as busy as other String Quartets, this MIDI SuperTrack adds an underlying atmosphere to any song in an even style. With three String Quartets in MIDI SuperTracks set 20 you can surely find a style that will be able to add a new layer to you songs or start your next composition in a new and exciting way!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- String Quartet, Rhythm Pop Ev 085 [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - String Quartet, Rhythm PopEven Ev 120 [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - String Quartet, Rhythm PopSwing Sw 110 [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 19 - Rockabilly Piano
This MIDI SuperTracks set includes seven pianos in two main musical styles: Rockabilly (5 styles) and New Orleans (2 styles). The two New Orleans pianos include a medium shuffle and a slow "Mardi Gras" piano. The five Rockabilly pianos cover many tempos, some are even and some are swing. All of the styles that come with these MIDI SuperTracks are preloaded with Hi-Q acoustic piano patches, but feel free to experiment with your own sounds too. Check out this collection of traditional, high-energy MIDI SuperTracks pianos today!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGrasKevin Ev16 085 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansShuffleKevin Sw 130 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockabillyBoomChickaKevin Ev 100 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockabillyJiveKevin Sw 190 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockabillyRockNRollKevin Ev 165 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockabillySlowSwingKevin Sw 085 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 18 - Funky Piano
This MIDI SuperTracks set includes five Funky instruments that will fill out or change the mood of your Funk songs. The set is comprised of two electric pianos and three synthesizers. One of the electric pianos plays in the style of a clavinet while the other has a more subdued playing style. The three synthesizers include an electric flutes synth, a funky plucking synth, and a thick Funky pad synth. All of these MIDI SuperTracks have corresponding Hi-Q patches which are already preloaded into the included styles. Bring your Funk compositions to a whole new level with MIDI SuperTracks 18 - Funky Pianos & Synths!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkyTriplets70sJohn Sw 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm MotownRnBUptempo Ev 165 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, ElectroFlutes, Rhythm Pop Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkPad Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkPlucky Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 17 - More Great Country Piano with John Jarvis
MIDI SuperTrack Set 17 is full of awesome country piano played but the amazing John Jarvis. In this set you will find Seven MIDI SuperTracks with Seven styles available. You get Country in 12/8 with a Ballad feel, and a faster country ballad at a medium tempo. There is an even feel slow country MIDI SuperTrack as well as a fast even feel MIDI SuperTrack Piano. There is a hard hitting Rock even feel MID SuperTrack and a Country Shuffle at a medium tempo. The final MIDI SuperTrack in the set is Country Waltz at a slow tempo. All of these MIDI SuperTracks have the notation available for them so you can see exactly what John Jarvis is playing. All of these amazing MIDI SuperTracks are available in Set 17.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm Country12-8John Sw 065 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBalladJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryJohn Ev 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryJohn Ev 165 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryRockJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryShuffleJohn Sw 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltzJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 16 - Killer Country Soloists
With MIDI SuperTracks Set 16 you get the great playing country solos of John Jarvis with the flexibility of MIDI. This set includes 8 MIDI SuperTrack styles all playing amazing solos in a country style. 5 of the MIDI SuperTracks are played with a swing feel and the other 3 are played with an even feel. The tempos range from slow ballad to fast and are all executed with the excellent skill of premium pianist John Jarvis. With the flexibility of MIDI you can choose your own synth to get the exact piano sound you want. You can also copy the track to the the Melody track and make edits to the style if you'd like. Be sure to add one of these solos to your next country composition.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Soloist Country12-8John Sw 065 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountryJohn Ev 065 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountryJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountryShuffleJohn Sw 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountrySwingJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountryWaltzJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist CountryWorkinJohn Ev16 90 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist WesternSwingJohn Sw 165 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 15 - Kenny Barron Jazz Master
With MIDI SuperTracks Set 15, we present legendary pianist Kenny Barron comping in a variety of jazz grooves. You can enter any chord progression into Band-in-a-Box®, and you can get this master backing you up. Combined with our previously release RealTracks & MIDI SuperTracks, you can have a smokin' rhythm section for medium jazz swing, slow ballads, slow or medium bossas, or fast bebop! And, because they're MIDI, you have complete control over the sound. Have a favorite piano VST? You can hear Kenny playing on it! Decide you want to hear what these great comping styles sound like on vintage electric pianos? Go for it! And you also have complete editing control, right down to every individual note!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm BossaKenny Ev 140 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm BossaSlowKenny Ev 085 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzFastKenny Sw 190 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzSwingKenny Sw 140 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzSwingSlowKenny Sw 085 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltzKenny Sw 140 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowKenny Sw 085 [ Artist: Kenny Barron ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 14 - JazzPop Piano
Full of skilfully executed rhythm tracks, MIDI SuperTrack Set 14: JazzPop Piano is a collection of laid back styles perfect for your next composition. With a combination of 5 MIDI SuperTrack Piano included in set 199, there is a large spectrum of playing styles covered. Starting with the two EZ Listening pianos, created to cover both Jazz and Pop chord progression, they can be used in a variety of compositions. The MIDI Electric Piano plays a relaxed style with a warm electric piano tone. The Jazz Rock Electric Piano plays slightly upbeat and when added to a composition can bring out a bright pop side. The final two styles in set 199 are Electric Piano Jazzy Swingin Pop. The Jazzy Swingin Pop MIDI SuperTrack plays a bouncy attack with a soft, warm tone which gives this MIDI SuperTrack a relaxed feel. All of these MIDI SuperTracks include RealCharts which can be viewed in the notation window or on the on-screen piano keyboard. With a wide variety of feel, style and tone, MIDI SuperTrack Set 14 is ready to be the next go to set of MIDI SuperTrack when using Band-in-a-Box® or RealBand.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm CoolJazzPop Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzyRock Ev 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzySwinginPop Sw 120 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm EZListening Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm EZListening Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 13 - Jazz Electric Piano
MIDI SuperTracks Set 13 offers a collection of electric piano MIDI SuperTracks that will add a modern edge to your traditional Jazz combo. The set is comprised of two Bossa styles, two classic Jazz styles, a slow Jazz Ballad style and a medium tempo Jazz Waltz style for a total of six styles. They all feature Vancouver piano virtuoso Miles Black, and each one uses sophisticated voicings and rhythms, without being too busy. And each one also has a 'simple' variation, which can be selected to make the style even more basic, if that's what your Band-in-a-Box® song demands. The precise notation for these styles make it a great learning tool. You can print out the lead-sheet, or follow along with the on-screen notation, or view what's being played on the on-screen piano keyboard.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzBallad Sw 060 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzBallad Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzWaltz Sw 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 12 - World Synths
Fasten your seatbelts because MIDI SuperTrack Set 12 - World Synth has an amazing selection of synth's with some truly outstanding sounds! This set includes a variety of synthesizer MIDI SuperTracks, from hard rock, jazz funk, to meditative new age styles that feature world synths. There is a hard rock fat chording synth style that will complement any rock/pop songs you have. There are two styles dedicated to jazz funk - monophonic synth bass and a bright lead background style. All of these MIDI SuperTracks are played with an even feel so they will work well with any pop/rock/jazz songs you might have. The Shakuhachi & Koto MIDI SuperTracks are quite mellow in comparison, and although they are presented as new age elements, they might complement any even groove style you are working with. All of the styles in this set include RealCharts so you can see exactly what notes are played, and learn to play along.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Bass, Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkFat Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Koto, Synth, Rhythm NewAge Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Shakuhachi, Background NewAge Ev 110 [ Artist: Tobin Frank ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, Background JazzFunkLead Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth, Rhythm Rock80s Ev 120 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 11 - Blues, Funk & More
In MIDI SuperTracks Set 11 you are going to find a wide variety of tempos, styles, and instruments. Included in this set are 2 Clav MIDI SuperTracks, 2 Electric Piano MIDI SuperTracks and 4 Piano MIDI SuperTracks with a total of 10 styles! First is the FunkyGroove 60sJohn MIDI SuperTracks which plays a classic funky style. This MIDI SuperTracks uses the Electric Piano patch. Also using the Electric Piano patch is the Piano, Electric, Rhythm SlowBluesy12-8John Sw 085. With a style reminiscent of the '50s and '60s, this MIDI SuperTracks can be incorporated into many different styles of music. The two styles that use the Clav patch are the FunkyGroovin70sJohn and the FunkyTriplets70sJohn MIDI SuperTracks. Both play a unique style which is instantly recognizable and can be used in multiple compositions. There are three '80s Pop MIDI SuperTracks, playing a wide range of tempo from a ballad all the way to a medium tempo. These MIDI SuperTracks are versatile and can be incorporated into classic compositions or modern tunes. The final MIDI SuperTracks is a soloist in the style of TexasBlues RockSlow 12/8. This MIDI SuperTracks plays long runs all in a 12/8 time signature. All of these MIDI SuperTracks can be viewed in the notation window to see exactly what the performer is playing. Be sure to check out MIDI SuperTracks set 12 to see all of the potential MIDI available.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60sJohn Ev 100 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroovin70sJohn Ev16 100 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Electric, Rhythm SlowBluesy12-8John Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm 80sBubblegumPop Ev 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm 80sPopBallad Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm 80sPopMedium Ev 120 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist TexasBluesRockSlow12-8John Sw 060 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 10 - New Orleans Piano & More
MIDI SuperTracks Set 10 has a diverse selection of piano MIDI SuperTracks styles in genres ranging from New Orleans Boogie to fast Pop Waltz. The set is comprised of two New Orleans Boogie styles (rhythm and soloist), one New Orleans Pop style, two Pop 16ths styles, a fast Pop Waltz style, and a Rootsy Pop style for a total of seven styles. The showcase New Orleans MIDI SuperTracks are performed by professional pianist Kevin McKendree. Some of these MIDI SuperTracks also have a 'simple' variation, which can be selected to make the style even more basic, if that's what your Band-in-a-Box® song demands. The precise notation for these styles make it a great learning tool. You can print out the lead-sheet, or follow along with the on-screen notation, or view what's being played on the on-screen piano keyboard.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2014 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansBoogieKevin Ev 165 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewOrleansSwinginPop Sw 130 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 065 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 110 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 180 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist NewOrleansBoogieKevin Ev 165 [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Soloist PopRootsyJohn Ev16 100 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 9 - Praise & Worship Piano
MIDI SuperTracks Set 9 is just what you need for your pop, country or praise & worship compositions! These pianos are extremely useful no matter what the musical genre. There are 7 unique styles to choose from here, and in addition to that there are variations that use one style for the 'A' section of your song, switching to new parts at 'B'. Whether you want them to join in on your song, or if you just want to study and learn, MIDI SuperTracks Set 9 is a great place to start!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm PopModernGrooveA-B Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopModernGrooveSync4s Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopPromise Ev16 100 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopShiningA-B Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopShiningHeld Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopShiningSync Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopUpliftA-B Ev16 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopUpliftHeld Ev16 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopUpliftPulsing Ev16 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 8 - More Country Piano
MIDI SuperTracks 8 runs the gamut of country piano with 12 piano styles! These are extremely useful, providing understated accompaniment to your country band, whether the band is playing slow ballads, waltzes or country swing at any tempo, MIDI SuperTracks Set 8 has you covered!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm CountryBoogie Sw 110 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryBoogie Sw 140 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 085 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 110 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 140 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 085 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 110 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 140 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm MemphisSwing Sw 190 [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopBalladJohn Ev 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm PopRootsyJohn Ev16 100 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment PopBalladJohn Ev 110 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 7 - Smooth Jazz & Funk Piano
For your smooth jazz compositions, nothing beats MIDI SuperTracks Set 7! This set features piano styles for 5 different Smooth Jazz grooves, and pairing them with our Smooth Jazz RealTracks provides you with the smoothest sound of all. Because they're MIDI SuperTracks, you have complete control over the sound of the piano, either using your favorite synth, or using the great new "Hi Q" sounds of Band-in-a-Box® 2013!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm, JazzFunk Ev16 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm, SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 65 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm, SmoothJazzCool Sw16 075 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm, SmoothJazzCool Sw16 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm, SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 90 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 6 - Latin Piano
You'll be wishing for the warm climate of South America when you hear MIDI superTracks Set 6! This set features 6 Latin Piano styles that range from a slow Bolero to a fast Montuno & Guaracha! These MIDI SuperTracks pianos blend beautifully with RealTracks bass & percussion, and because they're MIDI, you can pick the piano sound YOU want, or even pick a different instrument! With MIDI SuperTracks, you're in complete control!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm Bolero Ev 090 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm BoleroMelodic Ev 090 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Guajira Ev 120 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Guaracha Ev 180 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SonMontuno Ev 165 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SonMontunoComp Ev 165 [ Artist: Rabeca Mauleon ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 5 - Jazz Piano - Old and New
Something old & something new is the theme with MIDI SuperTracks Set 5! For the old, we have "4-to-the-bar" comping piano styles with chording in the left hand and inventive background melodic lines with the right hand. There are also classic "rolling stride" styles, and a romping "40s Boogie" piano. For the new, we have 3 tempos of modern jazz, a sophisticated and subtle piano style that works great with RealTracks bass & RealDrums!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm 40sBoogie Sw 165 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz4toBarComp Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz4toBarComp Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz4toBarComp Sw 190 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzRollingStride Sw 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzRollingStride Sw 160 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernJazz Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernJazz Sw 190 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm ModernJazzBallad Sw 060 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 4 - Folk, Pop & New Age
For a mellow, rainy afternoon, you can't beat MIDI SuperTracks Set 4 - Folk, Pop & New Age. This set features contemplative piano styles, as well as lush strings styles. There are 6 piano MIDI SuperTracks, featuring Celtic styles as well as a variety of New Age grooves, and very useful strings that can be used in pop, country, or new age settings.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm CelticWaltz Ev 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAlbertiMoody Ev 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAlbertiPretty Ev 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm NewAgeFastOstinato Ev16 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Strings, CelticAir Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Strings, CelticWaltz Ev 100 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Strings, PopCountry Ev 120 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Strings, PopCountry Sw 120 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Strings, Rhythm PopCountryWaltz Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 3 - Sweet Country Piano
MIDI SuperTracks Set 3 adds some sweet country piano to your collection of Band-in-a-Box® styles. All of these MIDI SuperTracks are performed by Nashville legend John Jarvis, and it includes 'solo-accompaniment' styles (intended to work well on their own to back up a singer or soloist) as well as rhythm styles that blend in beautifully with our previously released rhythm section RealTracks or MIDI styles.
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set is included in the core Band-in-a-Box® package. Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm CountryBalladJohn Ev 065 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - PIano, Rhythm HonkyTonkJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm TrainBeatJohn Ev 130 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountryPopJohn Ev 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountryPopJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountryWaltzJohn Sw 085 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountryWaltzJohn Sw 140 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 2 - All Jazz
MIDI SuperTracks Set 2 adds essential jazz styles to your MST collection. There are bossas, jazz swing, and jazz waltz styles, performed at multiple tempos on multiple instruments. We include bass, piano and organ styles in all of these genres, and for each one, no matter what tempo you set your song to, you're going to get a great MIDI track! Because they're MIDI, you can pick whatever instrument you want, and use whatever stand-alone or plugin synths you want. For example, the bass styles were recorded with acoustic upright bass in mind, but you can easily switch to electric bass, or even analog synth bass, you have complete control!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set is included in the core Band-in-a-Box® package. Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 085 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 085 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 190 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, JazzWaltz Sw 085 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Bass, Acoustic, JazzWaltz Sw 140 [ Artist: Neil Swainson ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Bossa Ev 085 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Bossa Ev 140 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Jazz Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Jazz Sw 110 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Jazz Sw 140 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass Jazz Sw 190 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass JazzWaltz Sw 085 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Organ, RhythmNoBass JazzWaltz Sw 140 [ Artist: Mike LeDonne ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Bossa Ev 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm Jazz Sw 190 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltz Sw 085 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm JazzWaltz Sw 140 [ Artist: Miles Black ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
MIDI SuperTracks Set 1 - Pop Piano and More!
MIDI SuperTracks Set 1 features a combination of exciting Pop and Rock piano by Nashville legend John Jarvis, and also features synth pad styles to add colour to your Band-in-a-Box® creations! Like RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks are actual performances by real studio musicians, playing over any chord progression you enter into Band-in-a-Box®, but because they're MIDI you have complete control over the final sound. You can pick your own favorite stand-alone or VST synth, choose any patches you like, and even edit the individual MIDI notes!
Note: This MIDI SuperTracks set is included in the core Band-in-a-Box® package. Requires Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 for Mac or higher
MIDI SuperTracks in this set:
- Piano, Rhythm BritBluesInvasionJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm IslandJohn Ev 110 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm RockNRollJohn Ev 165 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm SouthernRockJohn Sw 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm TexasBluesRockJohn Ev 120 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Rhythm TexasBluesRockShuffle Sw 130 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Piano, Solo-Accompaniment Bluesy12-8John Sw 060 [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveA-B Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveHigh Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveMellow Ev16 075 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopShiningA-B Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopShiningSoft Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopShiningVoice Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo - Synth Pad, PopUplift Ev 120 [ Artist: Blair Masters ]
Solo Demo | Band Demo
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