Master Jazz Guitar Solos
Volume 1
Learn how to solo like a master!
This program is an interactive learning aid, designed to help you learn to solo like a professional jazz guitarist. Musicians studying improvisation typically learn by copying other soloists' performances. Since guitar is a "visual instrument," it is easier to learn to play by watching the fretboard than by reading the music from a staff. The on-screen guitar fretboard shows you exactly which notes and chords are being played on the guitar. There are guide notes for typical positions for the key, and note names, to help you learn the fret/string positions.
The purpose of this program is to help you to learn the art of jazz improvisation. The student who wants to lean to improvise jazz music is usually told to listen to some jazz solos, and learn from them.
Unfortunately, the student often encounters some obstacles after receiving this advice.
- There aren't a lot of jazz solos available in written form. The few books available may have transcriptions of solos from records out of print, or hard to obtain, so the student is unable to hear what the solos are supposed to sound like.
- Many solos that are written out are of very advanced material, beyond the playing ability of the student. For example, the student may struggle to learn 16 bars of a complex John Coltrane solo based on a modal scale, but finds it difficult to widely apply this information to more mainstream jazz songs with typical chord progressions.
We have created a program that has a huge library of jazz solos, based on the following parameters:
- All of these solos are "mainstream" playing, based on typical chord progressions.
- Most of the soloing uses eighth notes, or triplets, so it is playable by most musicians.
- Each song contains 6 full choruses of music. The first 3 choruses of the song are either played in the Phrygian Position (3rd of the scale on the lowest string), then the next 3 choruses are played in the Aeolian Position (6th of the scale on the lowest string), or in the reverse - in the Aeolian Position then the Phrygian Position.
- Optional guide-notes display scale tones in the correct key. Note names are provided to aid in note/fret recognition.
- You can see the solos on the on-screen fretboard, hear the solos, slow them down, or step through them one note at a time.
- You can play along with the jazz quartet/quintet as you learn the solos.
- The solos may be printed out for further study.
Includes Band-in-a-Box Files
As an additional bonus, we've included the songs in Band-in-a-Box format, free with this standalone product. If you're a Band-in-a-Box user, you'll find the songs in the JGSOLO50 directory in your main install directory
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