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RealTracks Artist Bio: Nick Schendzielos
Nick Schendzielos is a metal bassist known for his awesome riffs. He played in notable bands Cephalic Carnage, Job for a Cowboy, and Havok.
You can find additional details about Nick Schendzielos at:
Nick Schendzielos plays these RealTracks:
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernSyncCutSlapAB Ev16 070 (#4774)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsAB Sw 120 (#4768)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernFastSlap16ths Ev16 160 (#4765)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernFastSlapSync Ev16 160 (#4764)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernFastSlapAB Ev16 160 (#4763)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernSlapFast16ths Ev16 120 (#4762)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernSlapSyncopated Ev16 120 (#4761)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernFast16thsAB Ev16 120 (#4760)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 461: More Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerSyncopated Sw 075 (#4491)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 442: Requested Prog Rock 3 - Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerPulsing Sw 075 (#4490)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 442: Requested Prog Rock 3 - Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerAB Sw 075 (#4489)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 442: Requested Prog Rock 3 - Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsSync Ev 110 (#4488)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 441: Requested Prog Rock 2 - Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsOctaves Ev 110 (#4487)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 441: Requested Prog Rock 2 - Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsAB Ev 110 (#4486)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 441: Requested Prog Rock 2 - Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladFinger Ev 070 (#4485)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladSlap Ev 070 (#4484)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladAB Ev 070 (#4483)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsSlap Sw 140 (#4472)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsFinger8ths Sw 140 (#4471)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal - Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsAB Sw 140 (#4470)Band DemoSolo Demo
Found in: RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal
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